watch the intro video (01:28)
PostEnotes™ are location-based, digital, post-anywhere-notes. PostEnotes are similiar in concept to paper Post-it notes® in that they can be used for almost anything and placed pretty much anywhere, but unlike paper Post-it® notes, PostEnotes are digital.
Digital means that PostEnotes are stored in electronic form, on the Internet, just like your email.
Location-based means that instead of physically attaching a note to a telephone pole or scribbling a password on a piece of paper, PostEnotes are tied to a specific location using GPS coordinates (i.e., latitude and longitude) obtained from your smart phone or web browser.
Stick a note where you want, when you want:
PostEnotes can last forever or be set to disappear when the message is outdated or otherwise no longer relevant.
You view and create PostEnotes with a smart phone or a computer that's connected to the internet, in the same way that you read and edit your email.
So you can:
For more examples go to our help page.